Oct 2022: New paper “Monte Carlo based Machine Learning” accepted for the proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Operations Research.

Oct 2022: Vahdat unconditionally passes PhD preliminary exam to become a PhD candidate. Congratulations Kimia!

Group presentations at 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Indianapolis:

  • Vahdat – Bias quantification of input uncertainty in simulation and machine learning
  • Jain – Stratified sampling impacts on robustness of simulation optimization solvers
  • Ha – Proven work complexity of adaptive sampling based stochastic trust-region optimization
  • Shashaani – Lessons learned for robustness and interpretability of stochastic models
  • Amrutha and Taylor – Data processing and analysis for electron-beam additive manufacturing

July 2022: Maria Davila-Colon presents her data analytics research with the group in the REU research symposium poster session.

May 2022: Ha wins the Mentored Teaching Fellowship (MTF) from College of Engineering for the Fall 22 semester to work with Shashaani as his mentor for providing teaching assistance for ISE 441.

March 2022: A new paper titled “Wake Effect Parameter Calibration with Large-Scale Field Operational Data using Stochastic Optimization” submitted.

February 2022: Ha’s new submitted paper: “Latency considerations for stochastic optimizers in variational quantum algorithms” with M. Menickelly and M. Otten.

He joins Argonne National Lab in June 2022 for a second internship to work on Quantum Computing and Monte Carlo.

January 2022: Proposal titled “Impact of Future Climate Events on NC Animal Agriculture Systems” was selected for funding under the Research and Innovation Seed Funding (RISF) Program at NC State.

May 2021: Vahdat to join the Liberty Mutual Insurance and Ha to join the Argonne National Lab for Summer 2021 internship.

February 2021: Shashaani awarded the NC State Faculty Research and Development Fund for a project on Quantum Computing and Monte Carlo methodology.

ref: https://www.ibm.com/blogs/research/2019/03/quantum-risk-analysis/

Dec 2020: Paper titled “Personalized Predictions for Unplanned Urinary Tract Infection Hospitalizations with Hierarchical Clustering” by Mao, Vahdat, Shashaani, and Swann was a finalist in 2020 INFORMS CONFERENCE ON SERVICE SCIENCE Best Student Paper Competition.

Oct 2020: Vahdat invited for the final round of poster competition in INFORMS Annual Meeting.