Nov 2022: Paper “Diagnostic Tools for Evaluating and Comparing Simulation-Optimization Algorithms” co-authored by Shashaani accepted in INFORMS Journal on Computing.

Oct 2022: New paper “Monte Carlo based Machine Learning” accepted for the proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Operations Research.

July 2022: Robust prediction error estimation for machine learning with Monte Carlo by Vahdat and Shashaani is now on arxiv.


July 2022: Shashaani wins the AAUW 2022 Research Publication Grants in Engineering, Medicine and Science. Founded in 1881, AAUW is one of the world’s largest sources of funding for graduate women, due to the generosity and legacy of generations of AAUW members. These prestigious awards are highly competitive and selective. The grant will financially support the research group in achieving its academic and professional goals.